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Afficher chronologie depuis jusqu'à
DatePartieJoueurÉquipeAdversaireÉquipeClassementVictoiretous billes
Summer/Fall 2022 Saison
2022-07-2015Easwara 'Moo' Moorthy
Danish 'SafetyBastard' Zafar
Shenanigans NNYLenny Erickson
Rickie Ball
The Hidden Cellar Rats1652
2022-07-209Easwara 'Moo' MoorthyShenanigans NNYLenny EricksonThe Hidden Cellar Rats1639
2022-07-205Easwara 'Moo' MoorthyShenanigans NNYPatrik 'The Swede' FroelanderThe Hidden Cellar Rats1648
2022-07-1313Easwara 'Moo' Moorthy
Shenanigans NNYKim V
Luke 'Scotty' Scott
The Hidden Cellar Keg Wielding Hobos1633
2022-07-138Easwara 'Moo' MoorthyShenanigans NNYKumal MThe Hidden Cellar Keg Wielding Hobos1640
2022-07-135Easwara 'Moo' MoorthyShenanigans NNYDennis KireraThe Hidden Cellar Keg Wielding Hobos1624
2022-07-0615Easwara 'Moo' Moorthy
Sungmin Bahn
Shenanigans NNY'low profile'
Sunghee Lee
Fat Alberts Avengers1608
2022-07-067Easwara 'Moo' MoorthyShenanigans NNY'SpiderMIN'Fat Alberts Avengers1599
2022-07-066Easwara 'Moo' MoorthyShenanigans NNYSunghee LeeFat Alberts Avengers1616


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