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Afficher chronologie depuis jusqu'à
DatePartieJoueurÉquipeAdversaireÉquipeClassementVictoiretous billes
Winter/Spring 2023 Saison
2023-04-1914John Lee
Carl Linton
Fat Alberts Chalk and Awe'Vank.i'
Yeon Jeong 'JJangA' Shin
King Pub Timeout1646
2023-04-193John LeeFat Alberts Chalk and AweJungsun 'Kathy' KohKing Pub Timeout1654
2023-03-2915John Lee
Foster Burden
Fat Alberts Chalk and Awe'Kiwi'
Boyoung 'BIBI' Park
Dolce Vita Sweet Life1646
2023-03-291John LeeFat Alberts Chalk and AweJJ 'Jack Coke' KonDolce Vita Sweet Life1650
2023-03-0813John Lee
Carl Linton
Fat Alberts Chalk and AweMickey Fin
Dominic 'Vinegar Strokes' Johnson
The Hidden Cellar Rats1628
2023-03-083John LeeFat Alberts Chalk and AwePatrik 'The Swede' FroelanderThe Hidden Cellar Rats1618
2023-02-081John LeeFat Alberts Chalk and AweChris HewisonShenanigans1610
2023-01-2510John LeeFat Alberts Chalk and Awe'Tanar The Explorer'King Pub Avengers1621
2023-01-251John LeeFat Alberts Chalk and Awe'SpiderMIN'King Pub Avengers1593


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