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Afficher chronologie depuis jusqu'à
DatePartieJoueurÉquipeAdversaireÉquipeClassementVictoiretous billes
Winter/Spring 2024 Saison
Park Sang Woon
King Pub Komodo Dragons'Enzo K'
Dave Pipes
Sam Ryans Chalk and Awe1900
2024-04-177'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsDoug WilliamsSam Ryans Chalk and Awe1909
2024-04-176'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsBrendan HoweSam Ryans Chalk and Awe1907
Park Sang Woon
King Pub Komodo Dragonssneaky jae
'low profile'
Bulldog Avengers1902
2024-04-036'SHASA'King Pub Komodo Dragons'Lim Dang Goo'Bulldog Avengers1897
'JJ wake up'
King Pub Komodo Dragons'Peacock'
Dolce Vita Sweet Life1880
2024-03-067'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsSun Ki 'Crow' MinDolce Vita Sweet Life1887
2024-02-218'SHASA'King Pub Komodo Dragons'Tequila Jo'Dolce Vita HoboZ4Lyfe1873
2024-02-212'SHASA'King Pub Komodo Dragons'Tequila Jo'Dolce Vita HoboZ4Lyfe1866
Young Jin 'KD' Yi
King Pub Komodo DragonsSam Sheer
Darryl 'The Closer' Dawson
JR Pub Super Strokers1859
2024-02-1412'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsHasnain IfeeJR Pub Super Strokers1852
2024-02-146'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsPaul 'The Surgeon' RiddleJR Pub Super Strokers1846
'Blue Jay'
King Pub Komodo DragonsMartin Bushell
Chris Hewison
2024-01-249'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsMartin BushellShenanigans1866
Michael 'Magic Mike' Getsinger
King Pub Komodo DragonsJon 'Blindside' Bell
Leo 'Leothegreat' Gabbay
Shenanigans HELL FIRES1858
2024-01-1712'SHASA'King Pub Komodo DragonsYoungnan 'WonderWoman' LeeShenanigans HELL FIRES1868


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