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Path:HomeLeagueAnnouncements • Pre-Season Doubles Money Tournament


본 사이트 사용을 위해 자바스크립트를 허용해야 합니다

Following the success of the singles tournament two weeks ago, we've decided to give away even more cash!!

Announcing the IPL pre-season Doubles Money Tournament.

Date: Saturday May 28th

Venues: Shenanigans & JR Pub

Sign up: Shenanigans from 3:00 to 3:45. Play will start at 4pm.

Entry: 10,000won to all those who have played in three (3) separate matches since the start of the Summer/Fall 2020 season, including friendly games.

It's a blind draw scotch doubles tournament. Teams will be made randomly, one upper level player + one lower level player.

Pay Out: 1st Place: 240,000 (plus a trophy)

2nd Place: 180,000

3rd Place: 120,000

4th Place: 80,000

We hope to see many of you there.


우리는 쿠키를 사용하여 학대를 막기 위해 사이트 경험과 보안 문자를 향상시킵니다. 우리는 추적 또는 사용자 식별을 위해 쿠키를 사용하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 개인 정보 보호 정책을 읽으십시오.