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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Great Season!


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Great Season!

8 Jahre 3 Monate her #988 von Mark Barnes
Great Season! wurde erstellt von Mark Barnes
Great season everyone,
It seems worth noting that moving into skill based divisions has had an impact on the league. What sticks out to me is that there weren't any teams that were blown out week after week... sure some at the bottom of the stack didn't win many matches however the matches were much closer.
Also worth noting is every Team finished the season lets hope the same holds true for the playoffs.

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8 Jahre 3 Monate her #992 von Dominic Johnson
Thanks Mark,
I have been looking closely at the season and I don't think we've seen as many 8-7 matches before. Every team has had decent amount of wins throughout the season and no team has completely dominated. It's how it should be and it makes it more exciting for everyone.

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